I actually cant believe how neglectful I have been towards this little blog of mine lately but surely this can also be a good thing? Atleast it show's I have been a busy bea :) Soooooo there are a number of things I can reflect on over the past few weeks, these include;
My GraduationYup that's right I am now an official graduate of Oxford Brookes University and now obtain a bachelor of arts honors degree in arts management & administration! So I am now Rebekah Jayne Poole BA (hons). Sounds weird. Ha. I doubt I will ever be called that but it makes me feel a little bit special for a little while. The whole day was lovely my graduate hat even fit perfectly according to the lady who dressed me which was a win. It was however terribly hot throughout the entire day so I was pretty much cooking underneath all the gown, but it was well and truly worth it. Everyone looked great and the ceremony was actually really enjoyable and me being the loser I am actually got a little bit emotional during it. I think this is purely because I never actually pictured myself getting this far with education, well I did but it didn't really hit me till the actual day that I had finally finished my academic studies. I felt very proud of myself and most importantly I made my parents proud too. The ceremony was followed by a lovely reception at the marquee my Uni had put up complimented with yummy pink champagne and canopies. We later then went out for a meal which was the perfect way to end the day with my nearest and dearest.
My New JobSo since graduating, I have managed to land myself the job I wanted at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury and so far I am really enjoying my time there. I am currently working in the Box Office department and have been very welcomed by all who work there. The people are lovely, the building is awsome and I really couldn't be happier at the moment.