Tuesday 27 July 2010


Last week was a pretty fun week, we had a surprise party for Canca, went out for a chinese meal plus good times in Varsity and Planet. I also got paid which meant I got to buy a few nice things :) I have some exciting plans for the next few weeks which involves my sister and my two good friends Nicole and Josh, it's a surprise for my mom's birthday and it involves lots of fun songs and some sweet harmonising going on but as it's a surprise i'm gonna keep it hush. So I really am looking forward to see how this summer pans out, if it stays like this then this could potentially be the best summer ever.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Im excited!

Things seem to be going good at the minute, I got paid today which is nice it actually means I have a little bit of money to spend FOR ONCE! I'm going shopping in a little while and really looking forward to later on =D also found out my best friend and her boyf are coming to V Festival and camping which has made me ecstatic! I really want a maxi dress a denim jacket and some more cute flower head bands! I'm also considering getting my fringe back...hmm see how I feel at the end of the day :)

Wednesday 14 July 2010

So wanna cover this song

How incredibly beautiful...

Monday 12 July 2010

Bedroom ideas

Mother and I went to collect some wallpaper samples today as i'm decorating my bedroom very soon :) My room has needed doing for years and now i'm back home I thought now would be the perfect time to transform my space. At the moment it's a little plain and I want something a bit more sophisticated and personal. I've been doing abit of internet browsing in search for some inspiration and came across a few idea's I really like.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Proud Friend

Two of my very good friends have recently just received the most amazing news. Grace Mckee has just made in onto the West End touring production of 'Evita' as part of the ensemble and will also be understudying the leading lady of Eva! And Miss Kimmy Edwards received the news today that she has made it on to the West End production of 'Legally Blonde' the Musical. I am sooooo sooooo proud of these two gorgeous ladies, I know how hard they have worked to get this far and I have every faith they are going to do so well with their careers in Musical Theatre.

Monday 5 July 2010


I've recently been to see Eclipse and once again fell completely in love with the characters and storylines all over again. I've read all the books and everytime a new movie comes out I always pray that they dont destroy the amazing creation Stephanie Meyers has produced. I think this film is a brilliant interpretation of the third installment of the Twilight Saga and it pains me that we've gotta wait till November 2011 for Breaking Dawn to be released! I'm not quite sure why I've become so hooked on this crazy roller-coaster of a story.... although it may have something to do with Robert Pattinson :P but I will be extremely devastated when it all comes to an end.

Thursday 1 July 2010

General Life Update

I actually cant believe how neglectful I have been towards this little blog of mine lately but surely this can also be a good thing? Atleast it show's I have been a busy bea :) Soooooo there are a number of things I can reflect on over the past few weeks, these include;

My Graduation

Yup that's right I am now an official graduate of Oxford Brookes University and now obtain a bachelor of arts honors degree in arts management & administration! So I am now Rebekah Jayne Poole BA (hons). Sounds weird. Ha. I doubt I will ever be called that but it makes me feel a little bit special for a little while. The whole day was lovely my graduate hat even fit perfectly according to the lady who dressed me which was a win. It was however terribly hot throughout the entire day so I was pretty much cooking underneath all the gown, but it was well and truly worth it. Everyone looked great and the ceremony was actually really enjoyable and me being the loser I am actually got a little bit emotional during it. I think this is purely because I never actually pictured myself getting this far with education, well I did but it didn't really hit me till the actual day that I had finally finished my academic studies. I felt very proud of myself and most importantly I made my parents proud too. The ceremony was followed by a lovely reception at the marquee my Uni had put up complimented with yummy pink champagne and canopies. We later then went out for a meal which was the perfect way to end the day with my nearest and dearest.

My New Job

So since graduating, I have managed to land myself the job I wanted at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury and so far I am really enjoying my time there. I am currently working in the Box Office department and have been very welcomed by all who work there. The people are lovely, the building is awsome and I really couldn't be happier at the moment.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Karen Carpenter

Yesterday I watched a film about the life of the legend that is Karen Carpenter. The Carpenters mean a lot to me because they were one of my very first samples of pop music. As a child I used to go round to my nan's house, sit next to her CD player and play all their records. My nanny Peggy used to love them and in return I loved them too. Karen Carpenter had a voice like velvet and there is simply no-one that can compare to her; she was unique and their songs are timeless.

I knew that during her time in the limelight she developed anorexia but the film provided a proper insight in to the reasons behind her disorder. It was sad to watch but at the same time it did give out a good message. I am currently dieting and trying to loose weight but I know it is important to keep control of your habits and stay healthy, however I don't think I will ever be prone to anorexia simply because I love food too much! But the film does deliver a good example of just how important it is not to slip in to bad eating habits. Karen tragically died at the age of just 32 because of the impact of anorexia but she will always remain a musical inspiration to me, she was beautiful, it's just a shame she could never see it herself .

Tuesday 8 June 2010

New hair :)

I got my hair did like last week....thought id post a picture. Highlights and fringe! I always think about what it would be like to go brunette but then I don't think id be me if I weren't blonde. I think you always feel better about yourself with a new doo. I've been going to my hairdresser Jasmin since I were 16 and she never fails to please. So thankyou Jasmin :)

Saturday 5 June 2010

The Beach

Yesterday was a good day, completely random trip to the beach and it was wonderful. Sun, sand, sea, picnic, magazines and my lovely boyfriend. What more could you need?

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Homeward Bound

Deary me it has been a while since I last updated this and seeing as im having a quiet night in this is the perfect opportunity! Well I have fully finished my 3 years at Brookes and no longer have to worry about any assignments and it really is the best feeling :) Im settling back in to life back in Telford although I am missing my Uni friends alot, it's gonna take some time to fully adjust but at the moment I am really as happy as can be.

I havn't started my new job yet because the council are being very slow about sorting documents out so im just biding my time really, but at the same time i am enjoying having some time off! Tomorrow im catching up with one of my oldest friends Jacqui, I havn't seen her in months so were going for lunch then in the evening she is having a Shoe party at her house which im very excited about and hopefully I shall be making some very nice purchases.

I've had a nice day today visiting my sister in Wales she's moving back home on Friday so the Poole residence will be in full swing for the summer :) I love going to visit her and having a wonder around her second home. Today we had a chippy lunch, went for a look around all these lovely boutique shops, a walk by the beach, played on the 2p machines in the arcade and had a drink on the Pier!

Im curled up in bed right now getting some hillarious txts off my friends who are out in Wolves right now but I didn't get back till late so I couldn't join them booooo. BUT there is still Thursday night at Varsity :) xxxxx

Monday 17 May 2010

The next chapter

Once again it has been a while since I last blogged and this is purely because alot has been going on since the last time I took some time out to make an update! Well basically, I managed to get two big assignments in and currently have one more to do then thats it. Im free foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :) I guess the biggest news I have going on at the mo is that I had a job interview the other day. I went back to Telford for the day as my interview was at 11.30am Friday morning. The job was for a box office assistant/administrator at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury. I've been wanting to work there ever since I did a work placement there over October and I absolutely loved every minute of it. The people are great, the environment is lovely, the location is stunning and the theatre is brand new!and lucky for me I got the job!!! :) and I didn't even have to wait around that long as I found out at 5pm on the same day so that has made me so happy. I start a week today and I cant wait.

So I guess this means this is my last proper week of being a student living in my own house with the people who have made the past three years worth it all. I'm trying not to think about it too much because I keep getting emotional, it's not really sinking in but i'm sure it will once im back home and bam! it will hit me and it's going to feel very weird. I feel very lucky to have got the opportunity to go straight in to a job straight after Uni because this is something that seems to be quite difficult for A LOT of students to obtain post-university. I feel especially lucky as this is the field of work in which I want to pursue a career and now I have my foot in the door. University has been a bit of a rollercoaster but I have learnt so much from it and I don't regret doing it or moving away. It's shaped me as a person and if anything it has taught me to appreciate the little things. I've had soooooo much fun and I'm going to miss my friends so much but now it's the end of yet another era. It's time to move on to the next stage and quite frankly, im excited :)

Monday 3 May 2010

Good Morning :)

Well it is currently 7.05 am as I type this, very early indeed but I am wide awake. I've got a few things on my mind which is never a great thing to have when trying to get back to sleep but at least this will set me up for the day...I hope :) Generally since the last time I posted a blog things have some how managed to turn themselves around. I was having some issues with a module I hadn't selected for my course which (if I hadn't of joined at last minute) would have prevented me from graduating in June. However luckily I managed to get on and now have an extended deadline for the coursework which is great.

I did my final performance for Music Theatre Practice and it went as well as I could of hoped. I sang fine and for once I was totally confident when performing my monologue which I was pretty happy about, there were a few techy problems but we knew that was going to occur at some point, but generally the feedback was good and were just waiting on the marks now. All my housemates came down to watch and support aswel which was lovely too :)

This week is going to be another dissertation week where I just lock myself in my room and churn out the essays all three of them! I don't really mind though because technically this is my last ever week of University life......man......I really havn't thought about that till now. Sounds really weird saying it, but im excited.

In other news, i've applied for a theatre job in Shrewsbury at Theatre Severn where I did my work placement over October. I absolutely loved working there and if I get the job it will deffo be a step in the right direction in terms of getting my ideal career on track. The job is for a box office assistant but I will also be able to dable in some marketing and administration aswell as some stewarding too which means free shows =) I love Shrewsbury and the theatre is stunning so if im successful I will be a very happy girly. Fingers crossed!

I've got a great couple of weekends ahead of me, this weekend I have Holli's 21st down in London which is circus themed and the weekend after is Lucy's 21st which we are all pretty stoked about lol I mean I dont think we go a day without talking about it. I really need to sort my GaGa costume out soon but there are just so many designs to choose from. I need to have a serious think and then get on to some serious ebaying.

I'll finish up on this song, absolutely love it and this remix <3

Thursday 22 April 2010

Special People

I've had a very crummy day today. Mainly because my Uni have once again let me down. I wont go in to details as im hoping things will be sorted soon but I just wanted to express a bit of appreciation to all the beautiful people im lucky to have in my life right now.

Martin Hinsley- Who is just the best boyfriend in the world. Period.

Lucy Baker- For helping to calm me down during my hysterics and taking me out for chinese food and a cute movie. We laughed so much today and that was exactly what I needed. She is a beautiful friend.

Olivia Anderson- Even when were miles apart, as soon as she finds out im upset she's on the phone straight away to talk about it. One of the very few 'best' friends I have who is quite literally a phone call away.

Jade Rankin- Just a sweety with a heart of gold, she's been gone most the week and i've missed her like crazy. She has made me giggle so much tonight and for that I am truly thankful.

Im not sure they will see this or not but even if they dont I just want them to know I love them x

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Painting in the sun

Today Kellie, Dan and I met up to start work on some props for our Music Theatre performance. The project is based around a post box and explores the importance of this iconic form of delivery. It's amazing just how much we rely on it really. Letters can be the barer of good and bad news so our aim is to showcase different senarios of how letters can influence us and our lives.

We decided that because it was such a lovely day we just couldn't lock ourselves away in the art studio so we brought all our equipment and got painting, cutting and sticking. It was a very productive and enjoyable day, more of which id like to have before I finish...which is in less then a month :|. Im going shopping tomorrow for a few more bits and pieces we need to gather before the performance on Wednesday and I really need to learn my monologue too. Im looking forward to showcasing it but will be quite sad after it's all done. Purely because this has been one of the most enjoyable modules I've had in my entire 3 years at University. But hey, I guess all good things have to come to an end at some point.

Monday 12 April 2010

Easter break done!

I havn't blogged in a while mainly due to the fact that i've had a very fun filled easter break, perhaps the best easter i've had in soooo long. I wont write a major essay but will just sum up in a few points as to what i've been up to over the past week and a bit :)

1- Brought my housemates back for the night and they got to experience there first taste of wolves finest nightclub.... PLANET haha to be fair it was jokes and the following day we took a trip to the Safari Park because Jade has never been to the Zoo and it was just lovely to see her reaction =) pure excitement hehe

2- Easter Sunday was great with he family, massive dinner and lots and lots and lots of choc yummy!

3- My sister and I had a sleepover at our friend Krystie's house, we havn't seen her in soooo long so it was great to catch up, eat dominoes and just generally have a right laugh!

4- Caught up with my beautiful best friend Ruthy and we went out for a lovely meal together and consumed quite a few beverages hehe


6- Lovely trip to Ironbridge with Martin, we just sat in the park and chilled all day in the sun =)

7- Went to Alton Towers!!!!! Great day again, weather was sweet as were he rides like per..

8- Met up with Miss Olivia Anderson, for a gossip and more sun bathing up town :)

9- Had a nice meal out with my mommy and martin last night!

10- My last day, today Martin and I went for the day out in Shrewsbury and made the most of the weather by relaxing by the Quarry :)

Sooooo all in all its been a great holiday. Im heading back to Oxford tomorrow, but then heading down to London to watch my best friend Ky and his band play a gig in West Ealing. I really cant wait i've not seen him play in so long, so im really excited to see how he's getting on and how much he has progressed with his music :) I shall also be heading back to Birmingham Friday to watch Olivia in her production of Little Shop of Horrors!! Which i am also very much looking forward to! I forgot my camera lead so I cant upload any pics atm (damn) but shall get some up asap =D

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Home time :)

Im really happy at the moment purely because I am diss free and i get to go home tomorrow for 2 weeks over easter! Im bringing my housemates Lucy and Jade back for the night. Lucy's driving us which means ive gotta cram all my stuff into her little KA heehee should be funny, but im excited I love roadtrips especially if im coming home =)

Im gonna show them the nightlife of WOlVERHAMPTON hehe which should be a laugh, we went to Jades the other night and had a great night out in Reading so my little trip has gotta match it! Im sure it will, Thursdays are always pretty cheap so no doubt were gonna have a lot of fun. It's gonna be nice to just chill for abit aswel, things have been pretty stressful around here due to everyones work loads so I think im due a break back in T-Town!

Thursday 25 March 2010

I've got my life back!!!!

THE DISSERTATION IS DONE, PRINTED, BOUND AND HANDED IN!!!!!!! Im soooooooo happy =D Me and my housemate got up super early to get it all done and my god it feels good. Turned out to be 50 pages long and it has to be longest essay I have ever wrote in my life ever! Afterwards we went for lunch and had steaks yummmmmmm and later we will be indulging in a few bevvy's but will be fully celebrating down the Star tomorrow night. I never actually thought id get this far and have always dreaded having to do this distertation but now it's done im feeling very proud of myself.

Rebekah Jayne Poole is a relieved and happy girly right now =)

Monday 22 March 2010

half way line

Over half way through the diss now, ive had a terrible headache over the past couple of hours though, taken some paracetamol to help clear so hopefully ill be back on form and carry on working. The only thing getting me through this is the thought of dropping it in the drop off box and getting that feeling like the world has been lifted off your shoulders.....that and the thought of all those glasses of rose i will be consuming on the friday evening in celebration! :) :) :) :)

Thursday 18 March 2010

Im sick

Of my damn University messing things up, I registered for an independent study not an arts management placement!!! I've already done a performing arts placement!!! AGGHHHHHHHHHHH! I've also just found out my diss is due in Thursday instead of Friday which was the original dealine and my tutor has only just managed to get my placement marks back to me. I got a B+ which im happy about. But about the only thing I am happy about at the moment. Roll on next Friday and ill be free of it all. Well atleast for a little while :(

Monday 15 March 2010


My housemate Lucy has finally decided the theme for her 21st Birthday Party is going to be famous singers/artists which is exciting!!! She's having a bbq/party at her house in Reading and were all trecking down like we did for my 21st when all my lovely unibums came and stayed at mine in Telford for my birthday party =D I love visiting my uni friends home towns and households. It's weird we live together yet we never really spend time in each others original neighbourhoods, its a great insight in to their history and helps you get to know them even better then you already do :) But more to the point! Jade has shot gunned Cyndi Lauper, Laura wants to be Britney (but from the circus video as the ring master with the top hat and all that jazz) Lucy wants to Freddie Mercury and I want to be LADY GAGA heehee.... I really cant wait if we all put enough effort in I know were going to look fab and it's going to be a great party and a 21st Lucy will never forget :)

Monday 8 March 2010

What I want

Well my dissertation deadline is due in less then 3 weeks and the thought of the amount i've got left to do is kinda making me hyperventilate ha. BUT I keep telling myself I can do this, which I know I can. I just have this horrible re-occuring problem which I always seem to end up facing everytime I am given anything assignment related, a little something known as.....leaving everything to the last minute.

It doesn't help when I have lots of other modules and horrible deadlines luring either. I seriously cannot wait to finish Uni now. In my head I am done with education. Im sick of assignments, im sick of word counts, im sick referencing everything! I just wanna get out there and work. I want my own money instead of living off student loans and poxy overdrafts.

I want to work in a lovely theatre, with my own desk as an arts administrator organising events, marketing and being surrounded by the things I love most! Music, theatre & dance!! I wanna dress up in a smart suit and feel happy to get up in the morning to go to a job I actually enjoy. The thought of having to work at Sainsburys for another year quite frankly makes me want to kill myself.

I want to learn to drive and buy lovely black convertable beatle which I can drive around with the top down during the summer. I want to go on a proper holiday, something I havn't been able to afford since being at Uni either. I dont want to worry about money, I want to be comfortable and happy. No doubt I will miss some aspects of University life, my friends being the main source. It's gonna be very strange never being able to live Lucy, Jade and Laura again but I know we will all remain as close as we are now. People always say the friends you make at University are the friends you stay close with for the rest of your life and I think that may just be a true.

Here are a few of things I look forward to having in my future well (hopefully) My job, my car, my holidays, my home..........my happiness :)

Friday 5 March 2010

Today is a good day

Managed to get a couple of V tickets for me and the mr this morning thanks to my mate, also accidently ended up purchasing a third but my sister is buying it off him which is excccciiiitttttting =D I really cant wait. I loved Reading Festival last year but there's something abit more personal about going to V, probably because it's right on the door step and I always feel really gutted if I'm not there. It's also the first Festival I ever went to 4 years ago and it's celebrating it's 15th Anniversary this year so it just feels right to be there :) I love it because there is something for everyone Rock/Indie/Alternative/Electronic and Dance!! I'll be seeing Kings of Leon for the 3rd time but i love them so much and im also very excited about seeing Florence and the Machine again she never phases to amaze me. A few others i cant wait to see include...The Temper Trap, Faithless, Editors, Petshop Boys, Imogen Heap and The Prodigy!!

Im also going to see Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland tonight :) I hope it's good. It looks awsome so hopefully it wont dissapoint.

Friday 12 February 2010

Mexican Goodness

The Mission Mexican is probably my fave place to eat in Oxford at the moment. I am in love with their borrito's I'm literally going to starve myself all day and once Martin arrives later we are heading down there straight away haha NOM!

Thursday 11 February 2010

Cosmic Love

Florence and the machine- Lungs. Easily one of best albums I've had this year and they play amazingly live too. The music is captivating and instrumentally perfect and I literally cant wait for the next album to come out.
'A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes I screamed aloud, as it tore through them, and now it's left me blind  The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out You left me in the dark No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart  And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeat I tried to find the sound But then it stopped, and I was in the darkness, So darkness I became' 
Ugh I feel like a reeeeet mess. It's only day 3 in to my diet and already feel as if i'm about to cave. I just crave pizza and chocolate and everything that's bad for me right now (but I thinks that's partly because i'm hungover :P) I've not done a lot today at all really apart from sleeping and feeling guilty about my lack of dissertation work at the moment. I have recently ordered two books off amazon and gonna have a look for some more in a wee while.

Lucy brought me an Edward Cullen key ring which cheered me up lots! and apparently Tom might be going Ireland tomorrow, how exciting, I wish I could jet off somewhere nice. I'm very much looking forward to spending my second Valentines day with Martin this year. He's booked us in at Pizza Express for a 3 course V-day meal and apparently he has a few surprises for afterwards too. I know the majority of people moan about Valentines day and I guess I used to as well, but i'm happy and gonna make the most of celebrating it while I still can. I'm sure the novelty will wear off someday.

I'm super excited about our trip to see Avenue Q and to see my bessssssie Ky in London on Monday. I love going to London in general but I always have a lovely time spending time with Ky and his flat mate Holli and Rob who are just awsome. I also have Imogen Heap on the 18th and have just heard my friend Rich and his sis are attending too :)

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Jennifer Walshe

Ok, so im really starting to like my music theatre lecture at the moment. My lecturer is called Felix and she's a quirky little so and so which I like because it means she will actually make me pay attention. So far in her classes I have got to watch an episode of GLEE (adore this programme) and have started a journal to dabble down my thoughts and opinions of the show alongside anything else id like to include, literally anything! It's so good.

Today we were talking about Opera's such as'dido and aeneas', 'the marriage of figaro', ' john cage and the europears' and a little discussion about the music of 'moulin rouge' . We also got to watch this crazy video of one of Felix's friends called Jennifer Walshe performing at the Kilkenny Arts Festival 2007. In reference to the talk about Moulin Rouge, Felix compared the Love Medley to Jennifer's composition through the way both pieces are compiled with a mix of different songs. Jennifer's piece just astonished me.

As an on looker anyone would think she was crazy but I actually found it very creative and admired the difficulty of making sure the lyrics rolled on to the next. Some parts are really entertaining and she has managed to use a whole range of different styles and genre's creating a very funny and unique performance.

Tuesday 9 February 2010


Looking forward to seeing him in this :)

Are you afraid of the dark?

Jadey has the dvds and were currently watching a few episodes, I havn't watched it since I was like 10 so it's a nice little trip down memory lane haha. and to think I actually used to be afraid of some of these. I love it. I used to go to bed after watching it pretty stupid looking back, but it was always fun to watch with my brother and sister.

Monday 8 February 2010


Sometimes I just wanna do this to my laptop.............

Life's just one big musical.....

As part of a post valentines day-day hehe Martin and I are taking a trip down to London this Monday and staying with my friend Ky and his lovely house mates in his adorable flat. The plan is to go and see a West End show which is one of my fave things to do ever! Plus it will be Martins first proper theatre experience in the Capital... I think we may be going to see Avenue Q as it is just brilliantly funny, creative and most importantly entertaining! Here are a few of the best shows i've seen so far in Landan Town!


My good friend Sean Whitehead has recently done his own dnb remix of Lady Gaga's 'Paparazzi'
I think its pretty freakin kool, I did some vocals for him a while back on a track we wrote together.I cant wait to get it properly mastered and perhaps work on some new music once i've got Uni out of the way!

Home Comforts

So i'm sitting in my Uni room and I've just noticed it's snowing out again. Sigh. I do absolutely adore the snow but the last time it was here I was back home. I was comfortable, sitting in my conservatory, cuppa tea, heater on reading my Twilight books and looking out at my beautiful snow covered garden. Quite frankly It just makes me miss home. I enjoy University life, I like having my independence, I like cooking what I want, I love my friends and the stupid things we get up to. I like wondering around Oxford and admiring all it's architecture and it's 100's of years worth of history.....but. It's just not home.

I guess when your away for a while it makes you appreciate the little things even more. I miss my family a lot, probably more then I let on and I deffo don't tell them as often as I know I should.....Mom,Dad,Kat,Matt and my little doggy Benny. I miss my room and my comfortable bed, I miss living in a nice clean house and more importantly having a nice clean kitchen! Where the cupboards arn't always bare and the kettles always on. I miss gossiping with my sister on her bed. I miss watching true movies with my mom in the afternoon and strangely enough I actually miss my dad begging me to make him a cuppa tea every god forsaking hour :) I miss having a laugh with my brother and playing with my dog by the fire. I miss having my boyfriend 20 minutes drive away instead of 2 hours away :( I miss Planet on a Saturday night and mid week Spoon gossips with my best friend Liv.

I know the reason why I'm here and the reason I've stuck it our for three years. But sometimes I just wish things would be a little easier. Here are a few favourite snaps of things that remind me of home :)


I watched a new movie which has recently been out called 'Precious' last night. Martin was round and Jade and I had been wanting to watch it for a while because we had heard it had done quite well and was up for a few awards ect.....plus Mariah Carey was making an appearance too. However after sitting through the entire movie I found myself feeling left in horror/shock and disgust in the majority of the scenes. I couldn't decide whether I was glad I had watched it or not. Some of the scenes are very disturbing and extremely cruel but I knew this was going to be part of the deal when I decided I wanted to watch it but sometimes you can never really prepare for what might be about to happen.

"It's set in Harlem in 1987's and is the story of Claireece "Precious" Jones, a sixteen-year-old African-American girl born into a life no one would want. She's pregnant for the second time by her absent father; at home, she must wait hand and foot on her mother, a poisonously angry woman who abuses her emotionally and physically. School is a place of chaos, and Precious has reached the ninth grade with good marks and an awful secret: she can neither read nor write.

Precious may sometimes be down, but she is never out. Beneath her impassive expression is a watchful, curious young woman with an inchoate but unshakeable sense that other possibilities exist for her. Threatened with expulsion, Precious is offered the chance to transfer to an alternative school, Each One/Teach One. Precious doesn’t know the meaning of "alternative," but her instincts tell her this is the chance she has been waiting for. In the literacy workshop taught by the patient yet firm Ms. Rain, Precious begins a journey that will lead her from darkness, pain and powerlessness to light, love and self-determination."

Films like these are eye openers and give you an insight into the terrible, traumatic things that are happening to children everyday, all over the world. In that sense I am glad I gave it a chance. Child abuse isn't going to stop over night but with more campaigns and publicity such as the release of the film Precious there is only hope that more and more victims will come forward speak up their problems and get the help they deserve. I guess it was hard for me to watch because the treatment Precious receives from the people who are meant to love you the most (your parents) was just completely alien to me

It made me extremely grateful for the loving family I have.