So I guess this means this is my last proper week of being a student living in my own house with the people who have made the past three years worth it all. I'm trying not to think about it too much because I keep getting emotional, it's not really sinking in but i'm sure it will once im back home and bam! it will hit me and it's going to feel very weird. I feel very lucky to have got the opportunity to go straight in to a job straight after Uni because this is something that seems to be quite difficult for A LOT of students to obtain post-university. I feel especially lucky as this is the field of work in which I want to pursue a career and now I have my foot in the door. University has been a bit of a rollercoaster but I have learnt so much from it and I don't regret doing it or moving away. It's shaped me as a person and if anything it has taught me to appreciate the little things. I've had soooooo much fun and I'm going to miss my friends so much but now it's the end of yet another era. It's time to move on to the next stage and quite frankly, im excited :)

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