Monday, 28 September 2009
Here, there and everywhere
So after a week settling in im back in Telfland again lol BUT its cause I have placement tomorrow and will be returning to Uni on sunday until the following weekend when it is my BIG 21st WWOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! Im soooooo stoked about it and all my uni chums are road tripping back with me its gonna be sooo fun :) On the downside my tutor is being a bum cause Ive only just got an email saying i needed to sign up for my dissertation last week! I had no internets last weeekkkkk grrrrrrrrrr so yeah trying to sort that out at the moment.
In other news...... christ i need to lose weight, i had a horrific wake up call today so i am getting on that. I cant let myself get any worse its not good for me! Gonna go for a walk with the mother later and were gonna rent changeling. I watched it last week and thought it was amazing. Very harrowing in some parts but deffo angelina jolie's finest acting work. 10/10 film and im sure the mother will love it too!
Till next time x x x x
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
VMA Madness

Monday, 14 September 2009
Hello Boulter Street...
Once we arrived at around 11.30ish pm, I rang my house mate to find out where they were at and so we headed into town which by the way is only a ten minute walk from my new house which is fantastic! This was the entire purpose of the trip though, to come see my new digs and see what im going to need to bring up when I move in next week. I met some of my Uni chums, Tom, Lucy, Bethan, Saskia and was introduced to Bethan's lovely boyfriend Mark who turns out to be a P.E teacher so him and Martin had some good things to chat about seen as Mart's been doing a little bit if teaching himself recently at his new job.
Anyways we proceeded to a bar where Sask works called the Thirst Lodge had come cocktails and a bit of a boogie and headed back to the house. The new house is without a doubt better then last years, the living room is bigger and has bigger sofa's the kitchen is better as it has a nice little brekfast bar, and we actually have a WASHING MACHINE wooohoooo lol even though I HATE washing but we never had one last year. I have a double bed (Y) the walls could do with a paint to be honest but im sure ill be able to cover it up with posters and what not and make it all nice and cosy and "bekified" as I did with my room last year. The house is a great location really, 10 min walk from uni, 10 min walk into town and ten min walk into cowley. Plus all the buses stop at the top of our street so it's perfect really.
Next day we awoke and beth, sask and mark came over. We all then went out for lunch at O'Neils which is an Irish bar in town and do some good cheap food! After some nosh we had a mooch in town and popped into HMV! We had a blast on the new beatles addition rock band which is pretty amazing to be fair. The guitar is brilliant!!! After that little bit of excitement we then headed back to the house. Martin had a little snooze as he had to drive back and Laura Crane arrived with her mountains of stuff so I helped her move in :) it was lovely to see her too! Martin awoke, I said my goodbyes and we made tracks back Telford.
Martin didn't fill up on petrol and we took a wrong turning and were heading towards Worcester! So of course as we were driving along the motorway we broke down. LOL we were stuck there easily nearly two hours before my mom and dad came to the rescue with some more fuel. I really dont know what id do without my parents sometimes, they are simply the best :) to pass the time we played a couple of unsuccessful games of eye spy and the "lorry game" in which we made up lol. We filled up with fuel and made our steady way back with a stop at mcdonalds on the way which was martins repayment of making me sit in a stranded car for two hours lmao!
What made things worse was the fact we had a 20th joint birthday to head to. We were both absolutely shattered but thought the least we could do was show our faces and wish rach and tom happy birthday. So we headed to whispers bar, wellington to meet kat and tom who were already there. We were there 30 mins tops when tom bishton decided to call the party off and head to shrewsbury with some of his friends. I for one was quite shocked at this as this was a JOINT party. Rach was celebrating her birthday too and was happily dancing and enjoying herself when Tom came over ten mins before he left and closed the party to tell her that "their" party was coming to an end. I actually couldn't believe it to be honest, some people had made the effort to come (including me and martin) who had basically gone through hell to get there! And that was it he told the bar staff to close, lights came up, music stopped, and martin and I had barely even touched our drinks we had just purchased. The worst of it all was that Rach was not happy. I felt very sorry her, how embarrasing for someone to just cancel there own party what about the people who had come to celebrate rachel's birthday?? There is only one word for SELFISH. But I guess sadly that's just the way some people are.
So we said our goodbye's to rachel, tom had already left without saying goodbye....obviously. And so me kat mart and tom made our way home. So all in all it was a good weekend despite the let down of the party for rach. As my boyfriend described it Bom let the bomb off on his own party LOL cheesey joke but it lightened the mood :) Ohhhhhhhh and before I finish ive just found out ive got the work placement I wanted at the Severn Theatre in Shrewsbury!! This is for a double module in doing at University as part of my course which is Arts Management, Administration with Performing Arts so im looking forward to starting that and hopefully making contacts who could potentially help me out getting work once I have graduated :) we will see anyways.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Well lets see how long this one last's??
Well here it is my first ever blog, well thats a lie. I used to do crappy blogs on myspace but they dont count! This is going to be like my online diary?? Im the WORST person to keep diaries so it will be funny to see how long this lasts. So where do we start, SUMMER hmmmm well we had some sun at the start which was nice as I wasn't back at work and I was able to just spend some quality time with my mommy as I have not seen her for a while because of Uni and stuff! So yeah managed to get myself a decent tan and had plenty of BBQ's thanks to the old man :)
Work came along which was a draaaaaaaaaaag and the social side has been so bad this year literally no work parties or outings or anything! very dissapointing lol but hey its payed the bills almost. I guess the highlighs of the summer for me have been various parties, Lauren's 18th was fab...I cant believe she is 18 now where are the years going to? Went down to Kat's Uni to move her into her house which was sweeet cause we got to spend a few days in Wales with Kat, Tom and Martin! But i guess the best was READING!!!!! Yeah to be fair when we first arrived the queing was dier, it was roasting and people were trying to take our aresols off us! HELL NO! Then my mirror slipped our and some bastard behind me trod on it grrrrrr lol I had just past throught the barrier and had already had enough, but then we found a camp spot unpacked and I instantly rememberd why I love festivals so much. The sun was shining, the beer was flowing and we were just generally having the crack! The whole weekend was amazing. I wont go into details so I will just make a list of the memories, but before I do that, Robbie Williams has just popped up on the he back?? New song?? Noway??? lol anyways dont sound too great......anywayyyyyysssss Memories!!!!!!
- Cheeesus
- That girl is really gonna grate on me the weekend
- Florence climbing up the side of the stage
- Nearly dieing twice in both the crowds of Prodigy & Bloc Party
- The stupid Oxfam girl in the comedy tent lmao
- Once again being totally smitten by Caleb during KOL even though he was being a moody bastard.
- Being blown away by Radiohead
- Jamie T in general
- Having our fire put out 4 times
- Mcdonalds breakfast on the way home
So yeahhhhhhh a few highlights im sure there were more, good times, roll on next year!
I went to spooooonages with Liv last night, we always seem to get wasted off Rose, I love it and I love her very much. I love having friends I can just get with and we just totally get each other, I dont have many friends like her she's just a gem. I will be spending monday evening with her too which i am very much looking forward to, girly chats, chinese, drinkange fun times fun times!
Im meeting the Martinator after he has finished work Ive not seen him for a couple of days were gonna go to a garden centre and get the price of plant pots ect cause he's doing a teaching session on Friday with a class of year 9's sounds dead cute and im very proud of him for doing so!
Im feeling rather hungry now and so now is the time I must leave, lets see how long it takes for me to write the next one???? We will see? :)