Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Jennifer Walshe

Ok, so im really starting to like my music theatre lecture at the moment. My lecturer is called Felix and she's a quirky little so and so which I like because it means she will actually make me pay attention. So far in her classes I have got to watch an episode of GLEE (adore this programme) and have started a journal to dabble down my thoughts and opinions of the show alongside anything else id like to include, literally anything! It's so good.

Today we were talking about Opera's such as'dido and aeneas', 'the marriage of figaro', ' john cage and the europears' and a little discussion about the music of 'moulin rouge' . We also got to watch this crazy video of one of Felix's friends called Jennifer Walshe performing at the Kilkenny Arts Festival 2007. In reference to the talk about Moulin Rouge, Felix compared the Love Medley to Jennifer's composition through the way both pieces are compiled with a mix of different songs. Jennifer's piece just astonished me.

As an on looker anyone would think she was crazy but I actually found it very creative and admired the difficulty of making sure the lyrics rolled on to the next. Some parts are really entertaining and she has managed to use a whole range of different styles and genre's creating a very funny and unique performance.

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