Today my mom and I went shopping for new wallpaper and paint ready to start decorating my bedroom on Friday. So far i'm really happy with what I've chosen. The look i'm going for has a vintage feel but still remains quite girly and the colour's i've chosen are pink, black and silver. It's a bit different but i'm just so ready for a new look. My bedroom is painfully dull at the moment due to 3 years of neglect whilst I was at Uni but now i'm back it just needs lifting. I've got some black floor length curtains and matching black vintage cushions to go on my double bed (as soon as I inherit my parents double bed)that is :). I'm also planning on buying a black chandelier for the lighting and having grey carpet layed on the floor. I'm hoping it's all gonna come together well and i'm sure it probably will, either way I will just be grateful of the change and having a space which is a bit more me.
The wallpaper I have brought is Super Fresco Flock Effect Elizabeth Pink/Silver Effect.

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